
Friday, March 26, 2010

Fatigued Friday: Socks edition

Allow me to quote something I wrote last year at this time:

Last night, we changed the clocks here in Israel.

“As a result, this morning, most of the Shiputzim family – and, I daresay, most of the country – stumbled out the door, bleary-eyed, mumbling incoherently, and way behind schedule.”

Needless to say, when a general and pervasive sense of exhaustion is the order of the day, exchanges such as the following are fairly typical:

Mother: Those dirty socks don’t belong on the floor of your room.

Son: {offended on his socks’ behalf} They’re not dirty! I only wore them for half a day…


!שבת שלום ומבורך


  1. This reminds me of "chairs are for sitting" - did you ever read those Siblings without Rivalry books?

    OK, my dear son, now you are picking those up. Now.

    I have a bad habit in my house of picking up the dirty socks instead of coercing the offending young man in question to do so.

  2. Leora - I don't remember if I ever read "Siblings Without Rivalry", but I've definitely read "How to Talk So Kids Will Listen & Listen So Kids Will Talk" by the same authors. (And although I don't really think about it anymore, you're right that the line definitely sounds like something straight out of that book...)

  3. We are changing the clocks tonight; which means less time for the latest Pesach cleaning and preparations. Argh...

  4. Ilana-Davita - Yes, and it also means that the Seder starts very late, which is hard on the kids... and on the adults! :-)


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