
Sunday, June 1, 2008

The writing is on the wall

Hellooooo, Our Shiputzim fans!

We gather that many of you have been "in metach", as the kids like to say, about the stairs. Before we get back to this topic, however, let's take a quick survey of today's other accomplishments.

First, the kablan spent some more time working on the insulation in the attic, as you can see here:

And also here:

He still has to finish up in one corner, and then he's planning on turning off the lights and using silicone to seal up any cracks where light comes through.

He also used something we like to call "devek shayish" (because that's its name) to seal up various and sundry holes and cracks.

For instance, here's one hole where the railing was attached to the floor:

And here's the other hole:

Here's a picture of the floor leading into the bathroom:

And here's ASG's room:

Yes, I know. This is even more enthralling than Friday's pictures of white bathroom walls. :-)
So, since you get the general idea, why don't we just cut to the chase and get back to the stairs.

We begin the stairs segment of today's posting with a heartfelt thank you to a certain "anonymous" (yeah, right!) engineer for his valuable help and professional advice about the stairs. His brilliant insight - namely, cutting a step into the attic floor - makes all the difference. Even the kablan was very impressed.

Anyway, as per the aforementioned engineer's suggestion, YZG and the kablan spent some time playing with string, as you can see here:

And here:

And then, they began drawing on our newly painted playroom walls, as evidenced here:

And here:

(Reminder: You can always click on any of the pictures to enlarge them.)

That's about it for now.
Have a good night and please keep those comments coming.


  1. Well I'm glad you have an anonymous engineer. Can you imagine what the potential is if the engineer wasn't anonymous?
    How is your Yom Yerushalayim? We (that includes anonymous people) went to yerushalyim last night-to the Kotel and to Ir David for mariv, etc.
    What's today's stair state status? (Note the alliteration?)

  2. We (that includes anonymous people) went to yerushalyim last night-to the Kotel and to Ir David for mariv, etc.
    We must be talking about different "anonymous people", then. The so-called "anonymous" person that we know doesn't go to things like that.

    Note the alliteration?
    Very literary.

  3. are the drawn steps on the wall like the mac reset button

  4. are the drawn steps on the wall like the mac reset button
    Very good question! (Inside jokes are always welcome here at Our Shiputzim - as long as we are one of the people in on them. :-) )

    And to answer your question: We haven't actually tried climbing up the stairs, so we can't really say.


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